Omni Law Group Blog | 2013 | May

Monthly Archives: May 2013

Written vs. Oral Contracts: Why You Should Get It In Writing

Although oral contracts are legally binding, Omni Law Group recommends written contracts rather than a verbal agreement. The main reason: Oral contracts are hard to enforce. How do you prove what both parties agreed on without anything in writing? There are additional problems with oral contracts as well: They can be hard to remember. Most […]

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Estate Division: Dos and Don’ts

Losing a loved one is never easy. Unfortunately saying goodbye isn’t the only difficult part of the process; estate division can become a costly and lengthy process, especially if it’s dragged into court. How can you avoid this? Here are a few dos and don’ts to keep in mind: Do find and read the will. […]

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Estate Planning No-Nos: 5 Mistakes Not to Make

Have you started estate planning yet? If you’ve already got a plan in place, you’re well on your way to being in good shape, but effective planning takes more than just getting things on paper. Here are 5 common mistakes to avoid during the process: Forgetting to keep your will or trust up-to-date. Situations in […]

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